Episode 34: How to make brand a revenue generating weapon with Kate Dileo

episode 34 How to make brand a revenue generating weapon with Kate Dileo

Is your brand struggling to create conversations that connect with your ideal customer? You may be thinking of doing a rebrand. But you see, rebranding is not always the answer. Most of the time, it’s the realignment of your messaging. In this episode, Kate DiLeo joins us to talk about how to sharpen and simplify the brand messaging to open pathways to actual dialogue that converts.

Kate DiLeo is a brand architect and #1 international bestselling author whose approach is rooted in the belief that brand is the path of least resistance to revenue. She partnered with more than 300 organizations helping them craft brands that bring more prospects to the table, more users to click, and more customers to buy.

How to make brand a revenue generating weapon with Kate Dileo All Things Growth

Topics Covered:

  • The truth behind being an accidental brand strategist (01:37)
  • Create a conversation that connects (08:39)
  • Understanding the buyer behavior pattern and their buying journey (12:08)
  • Getting the client to the point of readiness and path of least resistance (16:19)
  • The brand structure that leads to easier sales and revenue growth (20:56)
  • Alignment of the brand with the sales team and process (26:29)
  • Have a brand reality check (39:16)
  • Rebrand is not the only way to get more revenue (43:59)

Your brand is more than just a fancy logo, fonts, and color – it has the potential to be a powerful revenue-generating weapon too! Are you ready to have a brand conversation that converts? I’d love to know, DM me on LinkedIn.

Links & Mentioned Resources:

Muting the Megaphone: Stop Telling Stories and Start Having Conversations by Kate DiLeo

Connect with Kate DiLeo:

