Episode 33: Build Trust, embrace AI, and hire a fractional CMO with Stephanie Nivinscus

Episode 33 Build Trust, embrace AI, and hire a fractional CMO with Stephanie Nivinscus

The world is going through many changes right now, isn’t it? Banks are collapsing, there is talk about a recession, and there are a lot of questions and concerns about AI software taking over our jobs. My guest in this episode, Stephanie Nivinskus, tackles the hard-hitting questions about creating a brand that stands out in a noisy marketplace, embracing AI, and fractional CMOs.

Stephanie Nivinskus is the CEO of SizzleForce Marketing, a fractional CMO agency for scaling companies. Since 1995, Stephanie has been developing brand-building marketing campaigns, and they’ve been used for companies like Starbucks, Quicksilver, the National Football League, and thousands of privately owned companies. Stephanie has also written for Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazines, as well as having an international bestseller called Absolutely Unforgettable: The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Creating A Heart-Centered Brand And Standing Out In A Noisy World

In this episode, Stephanie and I talk a lot about what a fractional CMO is and why this is really important, especially in the economic times we’re in.

Build Trust, Embrace AI and Hire a Fractional CMO All Things Growth

Highlights from this episode with Stephanie Nivinskus include:

  • The importance of authenticity
  • Why you need to know who your persona is
  • The pros and cons of leveraging AI
  • Narrowing focus and targeting intended audiences
  • The advantages of having a fractional CMO
  • What companies can do to stay on top of the economy

This episode covered a lot, and I hope it helped you think more strategically about your business. My favorite part was Stephanie’s views on artificial intelligence. It has me curious to know, are you finding ChatGPT and AI to be helpful in growing your business, or are you steering clear of it? I’d love to hear from you! Send me a DM on Instagram.

Links & Mentioned Resources

Absolutely Unforgettable: The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Creating A Heart-Centered Brand And Standing Out In A Noisy World

Connect with Stephanie Nivinskus

