Episode 29: Everything is Marketing with Bobby Gillespie

Everything is Marketing with Bobby Gillespie

When you hear the term “branding,” do you think of “branding” and “messaging” as one thing? Branding is more than just the visual aspect –– it’s also verbal. What’s the tone of the company as a whole? What’s the tone of the CEO and other executives? Though branding and messaging can often be an afterthought, it really is critical on so many levels. My guest, Bobby “G” Gillespie, is an expert in brand growth, so don’t miss hearing his insights!

Bobby Gillespie is the author of the book, Build Your Brand Like You Give Sh*t, and is known for his creativity and design chops. Since starting his brand-growth agency Propr in 2014, he has expanded his problem-solving prowess for brands far beyond design. With a focus on simplifying the complex, he speaks, writes, and advises growth-focused leaders to ditch the gimmicks and embrace their purpose to achieve sustainable, scalable, and fulfilling success.

Bobby G and I discuss branding, messaging, how companies think about it, how to implement these strategies for scaling, better positioning, and more.

Everything is Marketing with Bobby Gillespie All Things Growth

Highlights from this episode with Bobby Gillespie include:

  • The importance of branding and messaging
  • Understanding the value and impact of marketing
  • Don’t be afraid to be yourself and be the best at what you do
  • What’s best for the brand and the customer?
  • Providing value beyond price
  • Why you have to take a stand for what you want

By being authentic in your branding and messaging, you can create the right message, the right voice, and the right brand for the right audience. This is actually part of what helps eliminate some of your competitors (because no one else can be you). What is your brand voice and how would you describe it? Are you empowering your clients to succeed and carry on with your brand? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Send me a DM on Instagram.

Connect with Bobby Gillespie

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